
Friday, November 16, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Grand(baffin-SHV-E270K/SHV-E270L) will release at the end of November

Samsung Galaxy Grand,Codename Baffin will launch at the end of Noevmber.

The Device is target for middle age users not Matures,Who want to use bigger screen so that the letters on the screen can be visualized properly without any trouble.The device is the basic version of Samsung Galaxy SIII and Samsung Galaxy Note II,which also aims to target the entry level markets and domestic markets


  1. Exynos 4412 Quad-Core 1.4Ghz
  2. WVGA 5-inch LCD(800x480) display
  3. Android 4.1.1 Jelly beanSupports NFC(2.4GHz and 5.xGHz Dual-Band)
  4. Wifi 802.11 a/b/g/n
  5. 2100mAh battery
  6. LTE Supported
  7. Apperance similat to Galaxy SIII

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